Get Listed on Closing Credits Marketplace

How to be seen by 2M+ visitors per month

Get Listed on Closing Credits Marketplace
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Learn how to get your course on and in front of the thousands of students who browse our catalog of courses each day.

What happens after I publish my course?

After you publish your landing page, you can now share the course URL with prospective students.
Your URL will be in your course checklist. You can edit your URL as you see fit.
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Your course will be immediately available for enrollment on your landing page
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How do I get my course listed on

Your course is open for enrollment, but it’s currently not listed on the Closing Credits Marketplace yet, where it’s seen by 2M+ visitors per month.
Getting listed is an exciting milestone to reach, but we can’t just open it up to everyone. We want to do our best by ensuring the right teacher is teaching the right topic:
1. Complete your launch checklist. For more information, check out this help article. 2. Publish your course. You can now share your course URL with your waitlist and social media. 3. Get 30 people on your waitlist or 3 paid enrollments.
When you've completed these steps, hooray! You'll automatically be listed on the Closing Credits Marketplace
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Let's goooo
Buford Taylor

Written by

Buford Taylor

Founder Casting Call Club / Closing Credits. Founding engineer @ Reforge. First 10 @ Eventbrite